Why Orange is the City Slicker’s Tree Change of Choice
Grand Design

The stark white pillars of Orange’s former Masonic Hall frame the grand entrance of The Sonic, the stylish domain of petite dynamo Pip Brett. The 33-year-old completed a Bachelor of Design in Sydney before returning to Orange, where her mum, Kezz, ran a women’s boutique. “Mum said, ‘Just start small and build,’” says Pip. So she opened a clothes store, Iglou (which stocks labels such as Sass & Bide), then a successful homewares store, Jumbled. Pip was desperate for more retail space when, as luck would have it, her builder husband, Nick Luelf, noticed the Masonic Hall was up for sale; it was the perfect opportunity to put her two businesses under one roof. Melbourne architects Studio Esteta pared back Pip’s vivid, multilayered style to create The Sonic, a space inspired by concept stores such as Merci and Anthropologie in Paris. Spread across two light, interconnecting rooms, the store has an eclectic range of homewares and cool, casual fashion labels, plus a café, Nimrod’s. “I want The Sonic to inspire and excite,” enthuses Pip.
Read the entire article on the Qantas Travel Insider here.
This article was published on 2nd June, 2017